What Do You Know About Your Child’s Teeth?

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As you know, your children will eventually lose their teeth, but do you know when you should consider pulling their teeth? Similarly, when you should expect their teeth to come in?

Generally, baby’s teeth start coming in when they are approximately six months old and they should have all twenty of their baby teeth when they’re three years old. Incidentally, your child’s teeth should fall out in the order they came in. Usually, one of your baby’s bottom center teeth should be the first to erupt. Naturally, it can be difficult to know exactly when your child’s tooth will come in or when their first tooth will get loose–though each child is different. Still, almost every child will lose their first tooth by the time they are eight. Finally, if your child’s first tooth comes in early, their first tooth should similarly become loose when they are relatively young.

However, when the first tooth is loose, there are a few things you should know. For instance, when the tooth becomes loose, adult teeth have already started to grow and the baby tooth’s roots have retracted. Still, a small amount of tissue is holding the tooth in place. This means that once the tooth is extremely loose, you can pull it out. However, when you do, please make sure your hands are clean and use a cloth or tissue. To pull the tooth, please rotate it rather than yank on it.

If you’re interested in learning more, please feel free to contact NR Family Dentistry at 513.229.7801. Also, please remember to bring your child to visit our dentist, Dr. Swapna Nadikuda, when your little one is about six months old. We’re excited to hear from you.