The Facts About Your Kids’ Teething Timeline

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You know that your child’s primary teeth need to erupt and, in time, fall out, but do you know when it should happen? Every child is slightly different, but there are a few things you should expect—especially when it comes to their primary teeth eruption and falling out.

Did you know that your little one’s teeth actually start developing in the womb? In fact, children’s teeth start to form under their gums during the eighth week of gestation. Typically, your child’s teeth will stay beneath their gum line until well after birth. However, in rare cases, children can be born with budding teeth.

You should be able to recognize the signs of teething when your child is around six months old, and by the time your child is about a year old, they could have about six teeth. By the time they’re two years old, all twenty of their baby teeth should have erupted. There are also a few signs of teething you should be able to recognize, such as drooling, biting, or rubbing their gums.

Generally, children will start to lose their teeth when they’re six years old and may keep losing them for a few years. If your child starts to lose teeth much earlier than this, please schedule an appointment with our team. Your children’s teeth typically fall out in the same order they come in.

If you’d like to learn more about your child’s primary teeth, please don’t hesitate to contact NR Family Dentistry at 513.229.7801. We also recommend setting up an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Swapna Nadikuda, six months after your child’s first tooth comes in. We look forward to hearing from you soon.